7/18/2010 08:57:00 PM | Posted in ,
E-mail marketing is like ice cream

As children we instinctively know the truth about ice cream!

We know that if we want, we must ask and ask and ask and keep until we get one. Or we get the land for the conduct of our parents nuts. But we do because we know it works.

And every time we give to our parents and make ice cream to enhance the truth. As an adult, you should always know the truth, but it is not the polite thing to do. Especially if we want to be loved. And as an adult, as a powerful engine.

Whenever want ice cream for a child.

But do not be arrogant to try not to take for a response may be a problem when it comes to selling yourself or your company.

The polls tell us it takes five to buy 8 or even 10 applications for the sale or visits to our website before the people of us. But can we really ask people to buy or on our website as much time to visit? It just does not seem polite.

What if the software can do for us? What if we do not really asking us? And if there was a way to get people back on our sites 5, 8 or 10 times? And if all this was done automatically?

Is not this great software?

Permission based email marketing

Permission Based Email Marketing (EM sake of brevity, I shall call from now on) is a software that does exactly that. It helps us sell more and more. It allows us to keep people coming back to ask for and check our website as often as we would be here in person.

When you see any time spent surfing the Web you subscribe to the newsletter boxes have.

"Sign up for our latest newsletter


"Sign here for the latest promotions delivered to your inbox."

MS is ask the task for ice cream.

The idea is simple.

Instead of trying to give our customers the first time, which usually means selling them to leave their money, we just offer them something for nothing, something of value, to attract them to our list.

Then we have on our list when they returned, we encourage a collection of carefully written e-mails to our customers and see that you can send more. And some time after 5, 8 or 10 times, maybe they will buy from us.

EM is set up fairly easy. It is cheap. In fact, the establishment of a campaign of e-mail with MS can be done faster and for less money than creating your website

And it is generally much easier to ask a mother to an ice cream!

Email marketing is it really good?

E-mail marketing is the secret of your success that you are not yet developed.

E-mail marketing is the secret of your success that you are not yet developed.

Ask yourself these simple questions -

What is the first thing to do when you turn on your computer and connect to the Internet?

Check your e-mail? And how many times during the day, you should check?

Most polls say that we in our e-mail at least five times a day. I know, I check more.

In fact, maybe you're like 15% of Americans hooked ...

15% of Americans describe themselves as "addicted to e-mail." AOL 2007

And these are only those who will own! Take a look at some more statistics to see how popular e-mail address is actually:

In 2009, e-mail return on investment was 43.52 cents for every dollar spent - Direct Marketing Association 2008

According to a 2007 E-mail marketing to consumer survey, which makes almost half of the customers e-mail at least one offline purchase, each year, which was influenced by a range of marketing by e-mail. Jupiter Research -

From April 2008, 40 percent of online consumers in the U.S. to receive opt-in email newsletter. Jupiter Research -

In 2006, 49 percent of all personal communication has been written in the United Kingdom by e-mail. - Forrester

Sixty-nine per cent became the users said they look forward to the newsletter at least one e-mail, and most users have reported the e-newsletter has been a part of their routine. Jakob Nielsen, E Mail Newsletter Usability 2006 60 percent of business decision makers said Internet and e-mail the best ways for advertisers to reach them. Jupiter Research - 2007

75% of daily users of social media, said e-mail is the best way for companies to communicate with them, compared to 65% of all users e-mail. - MarketingSherpa 2010

54% of respondents to a survey of consumers said they had a favorable opinion of companies that send e-mail. October Epsilon - 2008

Consumers, e-mail newsletters generated 34.25% agreed with the sale of products. - ConAgra Foods case study in collaboration with MarketingSherpa 2007

So there you have it. People are addicted to e-mail. Newsletter to generate more sales. People always love and special offers for every $ 1 you spend on email marketing, you need to get $ 43 back!


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